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Friday, august 11,2006

Pictures of the House

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Summer 2006
Stan picks prunes in our Garden.   View from the exterior stairs   The rock behind the house.
A beautifull old Pear-tree in front of our hous. But to the left also the view at the newfashion house of our neighbours.   How can we hide this horrible concrete wall. Suggestions are welcome.   Deirdre, Halldor, Stan behind the house
Ruud and Leon (stans's father) at the side of the hose. The big asbestos pipe in the background.   Halldor, Deirdre and Stan. Side of the house.   Deirdre picking prunes in tthe garden.
Stan and Halldor.   Judith at the stairs, , trying to get the climbing plant from the stairs and rocks. "I have to get in the backgarden" But she didn't succeed, the backgarden is covered with bramble bushes.  
Ron on the roof of Garage #2. Thi swill be our spot for breakfast.
Judith and Halldor at the rear of the house, beneath the lean-to the fueltank: 2000+ liter.   Halldor and i and the rock behind the house   Front house. Ron and Deirdre.
A beautifull wilderness.   The four of us. Halldor carries the last of the pears on his head. The rest has been robbed by the neighbours.   Prunes in our garden.
    Thanks owed to… Judith.   … and Ron.
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posted by Ruud at 12:47  |  send an e-mail









Summer 2006
Spring 2006


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